Documentation and Testing Meeting 2010-10-20

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Notes from Documentation and Testing WG Meeting

Date: October 20, 2010
Time: 2:00pm – 2:40pm EST
Attendees: Noam H. Arzt, Janet Campbell, John Moehrke, Will Ross, Arien Malec, Caitlin Ryan


New Actions for This Week

Due Date
Write missing piece for Simple Health Transport
Greg Chittim, Umesh Madan
Send Janet Campbell an e-mail describing short paragraph in place of E-mail Client Configuration Guide
Arien Malec
Gather information for Testing Guides during face to face meeting
Janet Campbell

Remaining Actions from Previous Weeks

Due Date
Post to the Direct Project blog with WG updates
Janet Campbell, David Tao
Review previously posted and additional comments on the Deployment Models, make edits, then send Janet a list of questions that need to be discussed to decide whether to hold a call or just bring to the next WG meeting
John Moehrke
Add comments to the Deployment Models document
WG members
Can find the appropriate people to comment on Tony Calice’s work on the SMTP Developers Guide
Arien Malec
Give feedback on XD* Conversions for Direct Messaging
WG members
Put something together for a blog post about the Overview document, and send to David Tao for his review
Janet Campbell
Take a look at the testing guide from high-level perspective
Tony Calice
Look at what he’s done on other wikis in terms of creating a table of contents for the FAQ page
John Moehrke
Look at what the wiki text looks like in terms of creating a table of contents for the FAQ page
Janet Campbell
Combine the two FAQ pages
Janet Campbell/Caitlin Ryan
Comment on Direct Project Programmers Guide
WG members
Update Directionary
Caitlin Ryan
Add Documentation Priorities list to Doc/Testing WG main page
Janet Campbell
Create outline of a documentation map
Andy Oram
Will incorporate comments in the Direct Security Overview after receiving them from the Security and Trust WG
Dragon Bashyam
Begin work on Testing Guide, in collaboration with John Moehrke (absent)
Tony Calice

Notes: **

Janet Campbell

  • There was a new question submitted on the FAQ Submission page, “Where can one find basic instructions for opening a connection to a NHIN Gateway?”
  • Asked for WG’s thoughts on how to address
  • She felt they could (1) answer the more general question, “How does the Direct Project relate to NHIN Exchange?” with a link to where they should find the answer; or (2) say they don’t wish to answer

Arien Malec

  • Confusion across the different projects warrants an FAQ

Noam Arzt

  • Asked who posted the question
  • Is it a potential end user? A technical question?

Janet Campbell

  • It might not matter
  • An NHIN Gateway is not part of the Direct Project

John Moehrke

  • There are other conflating things that will cause confusion
  • We’ve been successful at getting the NHIN Connect project to accepting the Direct open source, so there is a common open source implementation
  • Will be difficult to pick apart and answer separately

Will Ross

  • Thinks that is the problem that the question poses
  • It is an incoherent question, but if interpreted as “who do I talk to about the NHIN onboarding process?” we can point to the HIE or other sources

Janet Campbell

  • The question that needs to be answered is: how does Direct relate to the rest of the National Health Information Network?
  • Can do a basic shortened version of what is already in the Overview, and then link out to all of the places where they can find the answer

John Moehrke

  • Can point them to the Direct Overview, but we do need to pick it apart
  • E.g.: “If you were asking about this, we’d recommend you read the Overview”

Noam Arzt

  • And in some cases, your HISP provides these services
  • Depends who is asking the question

Janet Campbell

  • Suggested that the question submitted should not be the question answered by the WG
  • But we should clarify where to find more info about NHIN Exchange, and when to know something is NHIN Exchange versus NHIN Direct

Noam Arzt

  • And can look back at wiki audit trail to answer the question

Janet Campbell

  • The question came from Michele Smith of the Indiana Dept of Health
  • It is not a question our FAQ should be dealing with
  • The question that does have a place in the Direct FAQ is the more general question of the differences between Exchange/Connect/Direct

John Moerhke

  • From this question we can break out other questions
  • Might not be the question the individual wants answered, but they will need to resubmit a new FAQ
  • However if this question comes up frequently, more than this person might be confused

Janet Campbell

  • May post in comments, remove, and state how we reacted to question

John Moehrke

  • How can we see these submitted questions?

Janet Campbell

  • Direct Project FAQ Submission Page
  • Right now we have two FAQs

John Moehrke

  • Kept looking under the discussion page, looked over

Janet Campbell

  • Made it more visually obvious
  • Sounds like people are OK with making the question more generic and addressing specific questions on the discussion tab, removing from FAQ submission page

Arien Malec

  • Question of “how do I get a Direct Address?” can be answered

Noam Arzt

  • Haven’t we had an ongoing conversation about how they interoperate?

John Moehrke

  • We shouldn’t re-answer if already in the FAQ

Noam Arzt

  • Maybe we should just e-mail this person to clarify what they are asking
  • Could say, “Here are the questions we’ve already answered in our FAQ, have we missed something?”

John Moehrke

  • People may make the common error of searching “ NHIN Gateway” in our search bar, and not finding anything on “gateway” on our wiki

Janet Campbell

  • Suggestion would be to add to the existing question, “How does the Direct Project complement the Nationwide Health Information Network?”

Noam Arzt

  • Interoperability between Direct and Exchange

Janet Campbell

  • The point is that the casual visitor hasn’t read the Overview document
  • This is something we’ve failed to make clear
  • We don’ t have to rewrite, just need to point it out

John Moehrke

  • It is buzzword bingo
  • If someone searched our website they would not find “NHIN Gateway”

Janet Campbell

  • Moving on to the giant to-do list, the Documentation Priorities
  • She and David Tao wrote up an advertisement of the Direct Project Overview for the blog
  • Will sign up for an account and post to the blog

Deployment Models

  • Some comments were added since last week

John Moehrke

  • No progress this week; has been very busy

Simple Health Transport
Arien Malec

  • Part 1 got done late last week, Part 2 got done just now
  • Before you got to this first bullet point
  • One piece missing, Greg Chittim and Umesh Madan will write
  • Has address and content container and SMTP and SMIME all in one giant document
  • Updated conformance section to put in key conformance material
  • Still needs specs on how to use message disposition notification
  • Need review session to go through with a fine-toothed comb
  • Has hope that they can get to a finalized spec for XD* conversions and Simple Health Transport and have the key specs for the Direct Project done and complete within the next week or so

Janet Campbell

  • Asked if the review group is made up mostly of Reference Implementation WG members

Arien Malec

  • Already reviewed most sections
  • wants small review team for the key developers as well as usual helpful review teams like John Moehrke, Keith Boone, Karen Witting, folks good at finding holes in spec documents

Email Client Configuration Guide
Arien Malec

  • Most of the implementation geographies orienting toward non-EHR providers are also thinking their HISP will provide a web app
  • Either that or they will use regular old e-mail and agent-based model
  • Hasn’t seen much need from the implementation geographies to support the full SMIME client

John Moehrke

  • E-mail to connect to a HISP
  • What are the e-mail client requirements to connect to a security agent?

Janet Campbell

  • So for those still looking at an e-mail client, this might still be useful for them but so far they haven’t been asked for it

John Moehrke

  • There are already a lot of really good resources out there

Janet Campbell

  • Could say specifically: these are the things you have to do, then you need to figure out how to do those things

Arien Malec

  • The HISP needs to tell you the STMP and POP or IMAP endpoint, you need to configure in e-mail client and to use SSL, and here are some common guides

John Moehrke

  • Could this answer be as small as an FAQ?
  • Rather than an article, just what Arien said is usually enough to answer the question

Janet Campbell

  • Asked if it would be nice to have a list and a little more context?
  • Maybe not, because the people who need to read to understand don’ t need so much context

John Moehrke

  • Just needs to say in a paragraph what Arien just said and could stretch to say:
  • “if you want to have SMIME all the way to your client, you’ll also have to add certificates, we’re not going to help you there”
  • ”don’t be afraid, if you know how to do this, you know how to do this”

Janet Campbell

  • If keeping as separate page, could link off of the Deployment Models
  • If someone can explain to her, she can write it up

Arien Malec

  • Will send Janet an email

John Moehrke

  • If we keep it that informal, we’ll be fine
  • Primarily should be putting the reader at ease

SMTP Client Developer's Guide

John Moehrke

  • Simple Health Transport now covers this

Arien Malec

  • We talked about the need for a document to describe the use of the reference implementation’s client API
  • Two documents:
  • One is the spec
  • One is how to use the reference implementation client API, that hopefully should cover SMTP, XDR, XDM

Janet Campbell

  • There was abstract guidance talk about taking back to the Reference Implementation WG for their comment

Arien Malec

  • Hopes to get material after next week’s face to face

XDR and XDM for Direct Messaging
Janet Campbell

  • Was open to review and feedback

Arien Malec

  • Didn’t hold XD* meeting last week
  • Will hold meeting this week

Policy Questions for Implementations
Janet Campbell

  • She started to fold in a lot of the feedback and new questions from the Consensus page
  • Had questions about the questions
  • Wants to understand Arien’s questions before elaborating on them

NHIN Direct Security Overview

  • Up for Consensus in S&T

Arien Malec

  • Gave them one week
  • Will go to IG for full consensus next

Testing Guides

Arien Malec

  • Talked about writing down what folks do at the integrate-a-thon, and use as nexus for testing guide

Janet Campbell

  • Will be her primary goal in California at next week’s face to face

Conformance Guide

  • Going into Secure Transport document
  • Janet deleted the link

Implementation FAQ

  • Needs to be combined, Janet will do
  • Was putting together a “showy” version not on the wiki, where they would have more control over HTML, and wouldn’t have to deal with the wiki editing
  • Will have a much better format for presenting FAQs to the public
  • Volunteered to do HTML for the Communications WG
  • Not combined yet, may be able to do something better

Direct Project Programmer's Guide

  • Heard from Dragon that he is waiting for feedback, will start filling in the details
  • Encouraged WG members to take a look, give comments on the Comments page or send directly to Dragon


  • Caitlin will update before the next meeting

Will Ross

  • Feels overwhelmed by the number of documents up for consensus, doesn’t feel effectively organized about the consensus process
  • Sees a lot to read all stamped “urgent” on it

Janet Campbell

  • Agreed there is lots coming out from the Best Practices WG
  • Suggested a to-do list of things we are supposed to be consensus-ing on
  • News page is helpful
  • Knowing what people are supposed to be knowing, reviewing

Arien Malec

  • News ticker should help with that
  • A focused to-do list would also be good

Janet Campbell

  • Thought that as part of the Consensus procedure, they were supposed to send an e-mail to the overall group
  • Sending e-mail was skipped for a recent consensus

Arien Malec

  • Yes, and they should be published to the blog

Janet Campbell

  • Can issue guidance unless something really is urgent

Arien Malec

  • Suggested better use of the Progress Tracker…

Janet Campbell

  • The Progress Tracker is locked for editing

Arien Malec

  • Encouraged her to e-mail [[1]] to get that fixed
  • Feels it is a good sign that just months ago the number of documents they needed to get done was overwhelming, and now the number of documents that need to be reviewed is overwhelming