Geographies Meeting 2011-03-09

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Implementation Geographies WG Call

Wednesday, March 09, 2011
12:00 PM EST

Attendees: John Williams (Garden State Health Systems Inc/Health-ISP), LeRoy Jones (MedAllies), Andy Heeren (Cerner Corporation), Noam Arzt (HLN Consulting, LLC), Gary Christensen (RIQI), Susan Torzewski (CareSpark), Sri Koka (Techsant Technologies), Mark Bamberg (MEDfx), Peter Greaves (Covisint), Parag More (MedAllies), Greg Chittim (RIQI), Doug Arnold (MPS), David Tao (Siemens)

Dave -
Please sign in on the wiki if you haven't already.

No Paul or Arien on the call today.

We will be sending an e-mail shortly with the metrics (qualitative and quantitative) that we would like to be able to present to the HITSC for each pilot.
Update: Please see this page for information that we would like submitted via e-mail by 3/24/11 at 5:00pm EDT.

Updates from each of the pilots?

Greg -
We've gotten a lot of interest from potential HISPs since our appeal last week. We're looking to have the application to participate in our marketplace out certainly in the next month, but we're trying to pull that in as quickly as possible so we can start the statewide rollout. We're also finishing up our integration testing and have identified the practice that will do our first live data test for EHR to HIE compatibility over the next month.

Doug -
I just got off a call with the CEO of eCW. We have a substantial number of eCW users in our group and they are in the middle of upgrading to their newest version which is MU compliant. eCW is working away on establishing a HISP function for all of their users who will be up on version 9 and they expect to have the go-live for their HISP sometime in April. Unfortunately, our doctors won't be up until early May. eCW, because we've got 50 primary care physicians who are eCW users, said that they won't do any more 1 off patches, they're implementing this version 9 and all of their changes will not be targeted specifically for this pilot. They're still searching for the business model behind Direct; trying to support interoperability from an economic perspective. So that's where we are. At HIMSS we demonstrated that the connectivity is already established between Care360 and HealthVault, but some of the others are not yet ready for primetime.

Parag -
We have the Siemens and Allscripts EHRs installed. We were hoping that it would all be live and ready to go this week. It didn't happen this week, hopefully early next week. In the meantime, we are soliciting feedback from the first group of pilot users.

We'll be on Increment 1 at the end of the month. We don't expect to be live until early summer - June timeframe, but things are moving forward as expected.

David Tao -
Susan, is the description of your project accurate on the Direct Wiki?

Susan -
We haven't looked at that lately, but I'll make some updates.

Redwood MedNet
[No representative on the call]

VisionShare (Ability)
[No representative on the call]

South Texas
[No representative on the call]

Andy -
We're still exchanging live production transactions between our first endpoint. We have the next 3 identified and are working with the appropriate folks to make those connections happen.

Mark -
We're still working with MedVirginia to get our final list of providers approved for publication. I expect that to be today or tomorrow. We still expect to have production transactions by March 29.