HIT Vendor

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HIT Vendor

Self Attestation

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The following HIT vendors are planning to enable the Direct Project to be used as a transport in connection with one or more of their solutions or services. This document is for Direct Project planning purposes only. It is not a commitment by the HIT Vendor, nor an inducement to procure any solution. These plans are subject to change at any time in the HIT Vendor's sole discretion without notice.

HIT Vendor Name

Akira Technologies
Direct - CONNECT Integration, open source EHR and PHR integration

ApeniMED (formerly MEDNET)

ApeniMED’s Platform includes Direct Project based secure messaging components to support Provider-Provider, Provider-Agency and Provider-Patient communications. For example, the ApeniMED eReferral, included in the Platform’s Core Services, leverages Direct Project standards when connecting Providers inside an Health Information Exchange, powered by ApeniMED, to Providers outside the exchange. The same module can be used to connect providers to state or federal agencies, or to connect providers to patients through their PHR

Atlas Development


Cerner Corporation


Cozeva (Applied Research Works)
Cozeva is a HISP and enables its members to send/receive secure messages through Direct Project.
Includes a HISP and the capability to send/receive Direct messages.

EMR Direct

EMR Direct is the developer of the phiMail Direct messaging platform, which includes an API for easy integration of our hosted Direct HISP service. The EMR Direct phiCert Certification Authority issues X.509 certificates for use in Direct Messaging both to phiMail customers and to users of other systems. Also supported: HTML-based Direct Webmail, XD* HISP services, customer-configurable trust settings, and separate signing and encryption certificates. The phiMail Direct messaging platform has been certified as relied upon software in over 40 EHRs and growing.


GE Healthcare

Multiple EHR solutions including transparently through Kriptiq secure messaging
Greenway Medical Technologies

GSI Health


Health Companion
The enterprise health communication platform designed for patient engagement and interoperability

Kryptiq Corporation

Lifepoint Informatics


Our Direct Project portfolio includes: HISP services, secure transport of structured and unstructured data over mdEmail health information network, push technology group collaboration - with administrative privileges, secure intra-HISP push communication, secure extra-HISP push communication, digital signature, HIEx - indexes HIEs, authenticates access, and retrieves CCD/CCR records, APIs for module integration, Secure Server Connection for enterprise access to push technology. Four years of operational, secure, push technology.



MEDfx Corporation is a privately-held company with a long history of embracing emerging technologies in collaboration with other innovative healthcare organizations. Over the course of its 25-year history, MEDfx Corporation has established itself as a leader in professional services, systems integration, and software engineering. MEDfx provided the engineering and architectural resources responsible for evaluation, selection, integration, and the successful deployment of the first production CONNECT gateway (CONNECTfx). MEDfx has successfully established connectivity with Social Security Administration, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), VA and Department of Defense (VLER), and other NHIEs. MEDfx is participating in, and is a contributor to, the nationally-sponsored Direct Project under the Office of the National Coordinator. MEDfx has sponsored a pilot demonstrating the exchange of clinical Information using the Direct Project-compliant MEDfx Lifescape provider portal to facilitate the secure exchange of referrals from providers to care managers using the MEDfx Patient-Centered Medical Home Information System with a patient summary record to support the fulfillment of Stage 1 Meaningful Use criteria. The Direct Project and CONNECT protocols were used interchangeably to transport each message. Additionally, each message is routed and secured by the Verizon Provider Registry and the Verizon Certificate Authority. For more information on MEDfx Healthcare Solutions, please visit www.medfx.com.
Support the ability to send and receive Direct-compliant messages. Will also serve as a HISP.
MedPlus, A Quest Diagnostics Company


Microsoft will allow HealthVault users to receive secure messages that comply with the standards developed as part of the Direct Project. This will allow clinical users to send a copy of health information electronically with patients.


Direct x CONNECT integration + HealthVault Solution Provider
Direct support within HIE network, including end user messaging support
Planning on allowing Direct Project secure communication be a communications route for patient profiles

Orion Health
Orion Health provides Direct Project secure communication via it's Clinical Portal and messaging infrastructure. Provides HISP services for HIEs.
Secure Exchange Solutions



Techsant Technologies
Techsant Technologies offers the HISP services to the provider communities. Direct enablement and Connect integration for Meaningful Use Stage 1 and Stage 2 compliance for the Eligible Providers and Eligible Hospitals.
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, NASDAQ:VZ), headquartered in New York, is a global leader in Cloud Computing, Managed Hosting, Managed Network, Managed Security, and Call Center Support. Verizon provides a broad portfolio of solutions and services to mass market, business, government and wholesale customers. VerizonWireless operates America's most reliable wireless network, serving more than 93 million customers nationwide. Verizon also provides converged communications, information and entertainment services over America's most advanced fiber-optic network, and delivers innovative, seamless business solutions to customers around the world. Verizon has leveraged this vast array of award winning capabilities, assets, and resources to form a connected healthcare practice that solves the Secure, Interoperable, Mobility challenges required for the transformation of the Healthcare industry. Verizon announced the Medical Data Exchange in March 2010, a Direct compatible ‘non structured’ PHI exchange platform. Verizon announced the first Nation wide Multi tenant Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE) in July 2010. Verizon then announced the Nation wide Medical Identity solution in November of 2010, where Verizon will be providing 2.3 million US Medical professionals with two factor identities and cloud based digital certificates leveraging our Nation wide provider directory. Together these solutions are the foundation of Verizon’s Healthcare Information Management platform that provides secure nation wide PHI interoperability. Verizon is pleased to announce the expansion of the HIM platform to now include MEDfx Corporation’s Directfx solution. The addition of Directfx provides a harmonization capability that provides additional and residual value to Direct PHI exchange thereby providing a manageable pathway to stage II and III meaningful use. A Dow 30 company, Verizon employs a diverse workforce of more than 195,000 and last year generated consolidated revenues of $106.6 billion. For more information, visit www.verizon.com.


VisionTree will allow VTOC patients and providers to exchange secure messages using Direct Project standards.


Wellogic (www.wellogic.com) will implement within Consult, its EHR product, integrated S/MIME functionality to support direct posting/receipt of clinical content. In addition, Synapse, the HIE platform from Wellogic will support HISP capabilities. These capabilities will allow Wellogic to pilot various use-cases, based on direct project specifications.


eClinicalWorks will provide HISP capability as well as end user connections to its HISP.