Java Reference Implementation Meeting 2010-11-04

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Notes from the Java Reference Implementation Group
Date: November 04, 2010
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Attendees: Mark, Pat, Michael, Tim, Greg, Beau


  • Greg
    • at the end of the face-to-face, we wanted to get everything in tho main maven repo
    • all of the pom files have been updated with required pieces for the main maven repo
    • everything is published out (as snapshots) to a holding point (sonatype)
      • if anyone needs those libraries in the community, they can just add the snapshot repo
    • next piece is what kind of release process do we want and when
    • renaming some of the endstates (no code changes, just pom files)
      • four different projects that are not up-to-par with the naming convention
        • nhinAgent change to agent
        • nhindGateways change to gateways
        • nhindClients change to client
        • parent project to parent
      • no complaints around the room, Greg will begin work on that
    • made a maven assembly for pushing out the 'stock' item
    • Jetty vs tomcat discussion
      • Beau sparked a discussion on using Tomcat instead of Jetty in the deployable tar
        • brought up because the xd.war does not work in Jetty
      • Greg found that Tomcat has a smaller footprint than Jetty
      • the team agreed to change to Tomcat
      • Greg will update the assembly
      • Beau and Mark will update the installer and bare-metal documentation
    • Made a small change to the cert generator
      • pkcs12 now named p12
      • going to add some more documentation
      • possibly add some functionality for cert chaining

  • Michael
    • Wanted to thank everyone for the support they have provided in getting everything set up and running

  • Pat
    • Working on a WS based email approach
      • will push when it gets mature
      • will work on spec based off what was done and modify as necessary
    • a milestone release of James 3 is out
      • provides support for jmx configuration
      • removed telnet support
      • the team decided to go with 2.3.2 for release 1.0
        • will revisit James 3 for a later release
      • not going to push for a web interface for configuration at this point
        • telnet approach is documented
    • going to work on authentication for the configuration-service
      • goal is to have this by release 1.0 sometime next week
    • had some problems with converting and encrypted pkcs12 files
      • Greg pointed to a tool in the baseline which should do what he wants

  • Beau
    • Updated the road-to-complete page with things that need completing before release 1.0
    • XD needs a little bit of updating
      • Need to conform to XD spec
        • headers
        • default values
      • Need to support additional document types
        • currently only CCD and CDA for step-up (SMTP->XD*)
      • xd.war is not portable
        • has hard-coded wsdl path that needs to be relative
      • Will talk with Vince to see if he has time to do this
    • Created a set of bare-metal steps for agent HISP deployment model
      • run and tested on multiple EC2 instances
    • Working on testing for XD* / Agent integration
      • Successfully flowed all the way, stepped down to xdm, but failed at the security agent (not encrypted, so dropped)
      • Need to work on a matcher that will allow this to flow through properly
    • Going to email Mark updates for Tomcat vs Jetty

  • Mark
    • Going to work on the updates for the installer
    • Worried that his work was going to be a duplicate effort, but the plan was explained and this was no longer a concern
    • Changes to the installer will be reflected in the bare-metal page
    • Concerned about portability of the tarball on windows
      • team agreed to stay with tarball for now, and document tools that could be used for extraction
    • Continue to make the installer platform independent