RWMN Answers David's Questions

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November 12, 2010

Pilot Project Brief - Redwood MedNet : : RWMN Pilot Shared Documents
David's Questions : : MedPlus Answers David's Questions

1 - What will the pilot do (e.g., use cases)?
The Redwood MedNet pilot will use directed messaging services to establish production data delivery routes that explicitly meet meaningful use measures for local eligible providers, critical access hospitals and other hospitals.

2 - How long is the pilot supposed to last?
The Redwood MedNet pilot phase is intended to be a standard beta development process prior to release to production. As each message type is moved into stable production, the pilot phase ends, the beta status expires, the version increments to a v1.0 status, production support begins for that directed message routing pattern, and new opportunities will be sought to expand adoption of the directed messaging solution.

3 - When the pilot ends, does the solution get removed, or will it remain in place indefinitely?
See previous answer. If the directed messaging solution is useful and cost effective, it will remain in production. If the directed messaging solution is not cost effective, it will not be continued. This is a practical investigation, not an academic exercise.

4 - How many users (e.g., physicians) do you need?
For each directed messaging pattern, a minimum of one sender and one receiver is required. Physicians are not necessarily required in either role. The more powerful demonstrations will establish the directed message transport pattern between sending and receiving facilities, enabling multiple users at each facility to take advantage of the directed messaging transport solution.

5 - Do you need to send real patient data? If so, how many, and how are you going to get their consent?
To date there is no patient facing data traffic on Redwood MedNet. All traffic handled by Redwood MedNet is electronic clinical data that was previously delivered between the same sender and receiver via paper. As Redwood MedNet primarily replaces a paper process, which already meets HIPAA consent requirements, with an electronic successor transport process, no additional consent is required.

6 - How much work, and what sort of skill sets, do you need from the provider?
The short answer is "none" and "basic computer literacy." The Redwood MedNet goal for directed messaging is to push clinical content into an EHR or other electronic application. We have no participants asking to use e-mail for data exchange; rather, we have HIS, LIS or EHR users asking for the data to show up in their current workflow. That is, we optimize for user workflow at the endpoints, not for adding intermediate tasks to a complex process. Also, the question mistakenly assumes that a directed transaction necessarily has a provider as a participant, which ain't necessarily so.