User Story Meeting 05-17-2010

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Notes from User Story Review Workgroup

Date: May 17, 2010
Time: 11am-12pm
Attendees: Arien Malec, Honora Burnett, Eric Heflin, Robert Lynes, Vasu Manjrekar, Vidit Saxena, Tony Calice, Lorraine Fernandes, Lee Jones, Steve Krsacok, Konda Mullapi, Will Ross, Teri Byrne, Matt Mikula & Hank Fanberg

Actions for this week

Due Date
User Story WG will add the NHIN Exchange/Direct to list of user stories with some modification that it fits, and clean up some typos
User Story WG
Arien will give the Comprehensive WG a suggestion – they will add formalized user stories that talk about the direct/exchange overlap to submit for User Story WG review
Arien Malec & Comprehensive HIE

Where we are right now:
· Approved set of priority one stories
· Individual involvement WG
· Patient sends message to provider
· Priority two and three camps
· Set of changes that Peter is in progress to make
o Take the content suggestions/examples and make them as background information for the background WG
o Clarify the implied capability of HER in regards to patient identity to make it clear that the user of the HER is going to have to make an intermediary

Two things to do today:
· Fine scale editing
· Review the output of the individual involvement WG
o User stories we created address direct cases where there is no overlap between Direct services
o Rich Kernan created a set of user stories that address the overlap between the NHIN Direct/overall NHIN
o [1]
o Round of discussion & how we might adopt/adapt user stories to adapt to these

Comment from Lee Jones
· Transaction one is a “phase II” type thing?
Comment from Will Ross
· Two and three function as an exchange pattern, but individually they function as a direct pattern – should change to Dr. Marks
· Pub/Sub pattern in exchange
· Bleeds to the local quality use case as an alternate pattern
· These are not PCP, they are “provider” could be originated by a specialist
o The intent of the user stories is to have a representative space that isn’t exhaustive

o User Story WG will add this to list of user stories with some modification that it fits, and clean up some typos
o Arien will give the Comprehensive WG a suggestion – they will add formalized user stories that talk about the direct/exchange overlap to submit for User Story WG review